Early Voting Information and Links

To participate in the upcoming primary election, it's crucial to be registered at your current address within District 9 as a Republican. This is especially important if you've recently moved. Make sure to update your registration by Monday, May 20, to be eligible to vote in the June 4 primary. You can access the printable registration form here: https://sdsos.gov/elections-voting/assets/VoterRegistrationFormFillable.pdf. Alternatively, you can update your registration in person at the County Auditor's Office.

Early voting is available at your County Auditor's Office during weekday business hours. In Minnehaha County, the Auditor's Office is located downtown at 415 N. Dakota Ave, Sioux Falls SD.

If you prefer to vote by mail, you can request an absentee ballot to be sent to your home using the printable form here:  https://sdsos.gov/elections-voting/assets/AbsenteeApplication_202012.PDF . Remember, if you choose this option, return your completed ballot either in person to your County Auditor or by mail, ensuring it reaches the Auditor's office before the primary deadline. Late ballots will not be counted.

Mail to:

Minnehaha County Auditor
415 North Dakota Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57104

Sample ballots are accessible so you can preview other elections included on the primary ballot. The content of the ballots varies based on your location. You can view your specific sample ballot here: https://vip.sdsos.gov/VIPLogin.aspx. Additionally, if you plan to vote in person on Primary Day, this page will inform you of the location of your polling place.